bog design

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My First Linky Party

I was so excited to join my first linky party.  This is a party hosted by LaToya at Flying into First.  It is a chance for all of us teacher bloggers to get to know each other.  This Sunday's question was what three things would you have to have with you if you were stranded on a desert island?  Okay, well I am going to assume my family is either out of the question or already with me, and I have the normal practical things... so here goes.

1.  Philosophy Amazing Grace Whipped Body Butter

It would definitely keep my dry, shriveling, leathery skin moisturized and smelling sweet!

2.  Journal and pen

This might technically be two..but I am counting it as one.  I can't imagine not having somewhere to communicate my thoughts and release my creativity.

3.  My scrapbooks

 I could spend days, months just looking at them and reliving all the experiences in my life.  I love not only reliving the experiences I scrapped about, but also the experience of scrapbooking itself. I go through so much to pick just the right color scheme, paper, layout, and embellishments.

Well those are my three, what are yours?  If you would like to link up too, just click on the link below!

Have fun and always remember to be second best!
